Now I didn't have seeds but I do have hundreds of seedlings sprouting up everywhere so we dug them up and transplanted them in that fresh poison-ivy-free dirt right near the utility pole.

Since the morning glories seeded themselves too, we brought some of those along as well an put them in right near the sunflowers. I was a bit nervous as we don't go anywhere unnoticed. Right next to this spot is a historic hotel turned apartment building -- George Washinton is said to have slept there. We were not there five minute when the first tenant appeared, a young Phillipino family whom we had met them several weeks earlier while on a walk. I felt I needed to explain what we were doing so I told them we were planting flowers. They were thrilled. Then a few moments later another tennant appears and asks, "No dogs today?" See we do NOT travel incognito with this many people. So he comes over and introduces himself as I stand there, shovel in hand, again feeling compelled to explain what we are doing. I tell him too that we plan to put pots of plants up on the cement landing once we get the decayed leaves, poison ivy and garbage cleared off. I inquire about a barrel lying on the side of his builing (thinking some squash or tomatoes would grow great in there) and he pull it out of the weeds for me AND cuts it! Who would have thought -- the first day and already people are getting involved. I am encouraged and excited and I am thinking how many people could I really feed if I were to obtain enough pots to really fill this area? Could this be the start of a community garden? There is a lot to be said for loving your neighbor.
Oh my goodness ... how sureptitious and fun!
That's a great story from this International Sunflower Guerrilla Day.
Thanks for sharing it. And I'm glad you could experience it in this way.
Yes, planting flowers is somthing that turn people on. Coool :-)
I love, love, love this Sandy! I've never heard of International Guerrilla Sunflower Day. I can't believe you didn't share this with BTF. Wondering where we can do this next year (or maybe before).
Dee (www.Xanga.com/GraceatHome)
Hi Sandy,
I saw your post on freecycle, and want to accept your offer to pick cilantro and spirment.
I will be in H.B. this evening for my son's game, but anytime that is good for you, I'd love to drop by and pick some.
Peace, Tara Marie
I sent you an e-mail.......but I forgot to post to you yesterday that you are right...you don't travel unnoticed, as I have noticed your sweet little tow-headed children trailing you up mainstreet by the library [as I was driving through town]. I grew up in H.B. [my father still lives there [up off of Church St. at the last street up]....and I live about 8 miles north, so we are always going through town and have spotted you and your crew often.
I love the concept of Guerrilla Gardening and have planted seeds along my journey in our neck of the woods.
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