Saturday, March 8, 2008

Gardening Today aka Mud Bath

I could not hold out one minute longer. After being cooped up indoors all week with complicated projects like painting ceilings and doing the taxes, I had to plant. I had many things that needed to go in already. I realized a few things about how I garden:
  • rules don't apply to me
  • seed pack instructions are mere suggestions
  • tidy little rows of anything offend me (which perhaps is another reason why I homeschool, thinking of school children in their tidy little rows of desks)
So we started out with 6 packs of seed: radhish, parsnip, broccoli, beets, peas and spinach and it started to drizzle. It has been raining here for almost a week but it was misty and hardly raining so we gave it a shot. We took a wire frame that I had covered in mesh for pest control and covered it in plastic and stattered the entire packet of broccoli seed under it -- ta da...instant greenhouse! I figure that once they grow a bit I can tease apart the seedlings and transplant them. Then the drizzle became a steady rain. I hoed out a line along 30 feet of trellis and we planted an entire pack of peas. By this time it was raining so hard that my attempt to nicely space my parsnip seeds was thwarted by them sticking to my hands, so I poured out half the pack and pushed them into the dirt next to the little broccoli house. Then it was POURING. So I scattered the spinach seeds next to that and raked them in a bit. So we will see what will grow where but at least I got SOME veggies in. And once the girls had a hot shower everyone was cleaner and feeling much better. Okay, Monday will have to do for the beets and radishes.

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